Legal and administrative informations

Owner of the domain rtc-recycling: Norphone Production
Publication manager: Denis Tuil
Siret : 451 073 464 00062 (commercial register)
Siren : 451 073 464
APE : 741A
VAT identification number: FR 79 451 073 464
Design: Arc'ad+ - +33 (0)1 30 21 50 50
Hosting: CREATEIS - +33 (0)1 84 23 40 48
Photos : DR.



Website production:

Developer: CREATEIS
Commercial register: 49290317400026


Washburn Award 2013

RTC - Norphone was among the 25 finalists for the Washburn Award in 2013 for Innovation and Equal Opportunities, organized by the Embassy of the United States in France.


We competed with major international companies such as:

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